As the hub of the national K-12 computer science community, our goal is to expand, connect and amplify the collective voice of the CSforALL movement. We are here to lift up the work of our members while creating meaningful connectivity to ensure alignment, collaboration, as well as resource and knowledge sharing. It takes less than 20 minutes to set up your organization's member account and it's FREE to join.
In recent years, K-12 computer science education went from a “nice to have” to a “must have.”
“Computer science for all” is a movement to change fundamentally what students learn at a national scale. CS represents the first meaningful addition of core academic subject to schools’ curriculum since the beginning of formal public education in this country. By joining CSforALL, you become part of a national community dedicated to growing these efforts across the US.
One of the perks of becoming a CSforALL member is the opportunity to take advantage of office hours to ask questions of our in-house subject matter experts on topics such as school and district change, curriculum, partnerships, and research.
Membership is free, so join CSforALL today!