California County Boards of Education

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About CCBE

California County Boards of Education is a statewide organization representing and serving the unique needs of California’s 58 county boards of education. As the voice for county boards of education at the state and federal level, CCBE impacts policies and legislation affecting all public schools.

Our Vision

California County Boards of Education (CCBE) is the dynamic network of members maximizing educational opportunities for all. CCBE is an essential part of our state�s K-12 education leadership, providing a voice for County Boards at the state and federal levels.

Our Mission

Through advocacy, training, mentoring, marketing and communication, CCBE serves and represents County Boards in the education community, strengthening and promoting local governance, and enabling County Boards to help every student succeed.

In pursuit of its Mission, CCBE:

  • Inspires its members to be knowledgeable leaders, extraordinary governance practitioners, and passionate champions for all students.
  • Provides high quality products and services.
  • Initiates and impacts policies and legislation affecting County Boards and County Offices of Education (COEs)
  • Partners with the California School Boards Association (CSBA), the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA), and other education organizations to raise public awareness regarding key education issues.
  • Defines and drives the public education policy agenda as it effects County Boards and COEs.
  • Promotes collaboration among County Boards and Superintendents to ensure that COEs are operated efficiently and effectively.




We Don�t Serve Teachers Directly


We Don�t Serve Students Directly