devX PD

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devX PD has developed a unique professional development experience that empowers K-8 teachers to integrate computer science across their curriculum. With this seamless approach, teachers develop the confidence and ability to code effectively in block-based environments, and pedagogically sound strategies to enhance their core content instruction with CS-based computational thinking. While it is clear that coding plays a fundamental role in computer science, it is equally clear that computer science extends beyond coding to include components that are critical to developing students as effective problem solvers. To help teachers develop a rich understanding of the full depth and breadth of genuine computer science, our teacher professional development uses an immersive approach that places teachers at the center of the PD. As teachers move through the 5-Cs of CS (Construct, Code, Connect, Create, Cycle), we share innovative strategies to empower them to infuse these transformative concepts in their classroom with their personalized style. With an average post-PD teacher score of 9.7 out of 10, we are confident that devX PD offers K-8 teachers an incredible opportunity to realize and leverage the power of computer science to impact their students. Participants leave the interactive experience eager and ready to enhance their core instruction with revolutionary computer science techniques. devX PD partners with a variety of state agencies, non-profit organizations, school districts, and local schools to develop sustainable packages to deliver PD in your community.