iCode from iTeach is a great way to introduce coding and computing to children. Children will get the chance to develop the key skills of problem solving, collaboration and computational thinking while using the iPad to program their own games, solving coding challenges and even getting the opportunity to program drones to fly around the classroom.
Coding can take many forms but it simply means giving your iPad or computer a set of instructions to achieve a goal. In order to give a set of instructions and write programs children need to learn to write lines of code and understand how they fit together to make sense. In school, children can use the iPad to start to understand the basics of coding and computing, using popular coding apps such as Scratch Jr, Hopscotch and Swift Playgrounds.
Learning about code can also develop key skills in our children as they move through their educational career into the future workplace. Problem solving skills, logical thinking, collaboration and computational thinking skills can all be developed by introducing coding in school. These are important skills that employers look for in our young people. With more and more multinational tech companies setting up around the world there will be large numbers of job opportunities for our young people.
This can be further extended to embed coding across the school so that young people around the world can develop the 21st Century skills needed for the workplace.
We help with: Introduction to codingCurriculum mappingLesson Plans
Resource web site access
Guidance on drones and bots
Unlimited help and support
iCode makes a massive impact in the in the classroom and across the school, linking directly a number of curriculum across the world, including: The USA - including the Interim CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards The UK - including the National Curriculum for Computing in England The Republic of Ireland Australia South Africa
Over 1800 students in Oak Lawn Community High School District have had the opportunity to develop concepts of computer science with the iPad through iCode from iTeach. Schools and students in the states of New York, Florida, Pennsylvania and Maryland.