Microsoft MakeCode

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Microsoft MakeCode brings computer science to life for ALL students with fun projects, immediate results, and both block and text editors. It is a free, open source platform for creating engaging computer science learning experiences that support a progression path into real-world programming.

An interactive simulator provides students with immediate feedback on how their program is running and makes it easy to test and debug their code.

Students new to coding can start with colored blocks that they can drag and drop onto their workspace to construct their programs.

When they are ready, students can move into a full-featured JavaScript editor with code snippets, tooltips, and error detection to help them.


AP Computer Science Principles with Microsoft MakeCode

An introductory computer science course for High School students (typically 14-18 years old).

Introduction to Computer Science with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade

This curriculum uses a game-based learning approach to engage a diversity of students.