NMSI is currently building capacity to broaden training and learning opportunities around AP CS A, CS Principles, as well as Exploring Computer Science and equivalent courses, in 25 states in 2016. Professional development training, resources and support will include the following: • AP Summer Institute Training: AP teachers attend 4-day training sessions prior to the first year of the College Readiness Program and in subsequent summers over the course of the three-year program. Training is facilitated by expert teacher consultants and provides teachers with deeper content understanding as well as tools and approaches for increasing student engagement and performance. • NMSI’s College Readiness Program is ensuring that more students have access to the challenging classes that will prepare them for future success. Through a combination of student, teacher and schools supports, the three-year program dramatically increases the number of students taking and earning qualifying scores on Advanced Placement computer science exams. • Two-day Fall Conferences: Two-day teacher training sessions held during the school year reinforce summer training and provide access to additional instructional resources developed by NMSI to enhance classroom instruction. • Mock Exam Training: These one-day training sessions provide teachers with hands-on experience administering and grading AP exams and provide useful data to teachers on the readiness of their students and as well as areas target areas requiring additional instruction. • Mentors: All teachers are provided access to an experienced mentor with whom they conduct weekly phone or Skype meetings, in addition to meeting face-to-face twice a year. Mentors offer support in the form of sharing best practices and ensuring that teachers are providing instruction that will directly impact student success.