Marines JROTC-CS: Building computer science and cybersecurity education programs for Marines JROTC-CS schools nationwide.
The United States Marines JROTC-CS project, a new cohort led by CSforALL, will grow and strengthen the diversity of the tech workforce, bridging the computer science education access gap at Junior ROTC schools.

CSforALL is collaborating with the United States Marine Corps JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) HQ to empower nationwide high-needs schools in offering computer science (CS) and cybersecurity education programs to cadets in the Marines JROTC program. This effort complements the ongoing bi-partisan JROTC Cyber Training Act, which authorizes the DOD JROTC program to provide evidence-based computer science and cybersecurity education to all JROTC cadets. The 2022-2023 collaboration with the Marines cohort will build computer science and cybersecurity programs across four high schools, collectively serving up to 5,000 students

There are currently four Marines JROTC host high schools in the inaugural 2022-2023 Marines JROTC-CS Cohort.

Media Coverage
- CSforALL Opens New Capacity Building and Implementation Support Cohort for Schools: CSforALL and the US Marine Corps JROTC seek high schools for the 2022 Marines JROTC-CS Cohort to build computer science and cybersecurity education programs for students
- A New Cohort is Announced to Prepare the Next Generation with Computing and Cybersecurity Skills: A partnership between CSforALL and the US Marine Corps JROTC announces a new cohort of four schools to build education programs that will grow and strengthen the diversity of the tech workforce
Rutland High School Adds A New Computer Science Career Path
Rutland High School Adding Computer Science Course to Its Career Pathways
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Get Involved
The Marines JROTC-CS Cohort is currently accepting schools in the U.S. that are high schools including grades 9–12, have a Marine Corps JROTC unit, and are interested in building AP computer Science principles and/or cybersecurity programs. For more details, please email CSforALL’s Project Director, JROTC-CS, Tina Boyle Whyte.