Jason Ravitz, Ph.D. founded Evaluation by Design LLC after 25 years serving educational technology pioneers. He taught social studies and computers before joining the National School Network Testbed staff at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), and earning a Ph.D. in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation. This led to a career producing state and national studies, plus tools and strategies for progressive educational reform. He led research on project-based learning (PBL) at the Buck Institute for Education for 12 years, and was promoted to Senior Program Manager over 4.5 years @Google while building capacity for STEM-CS education. His products have been continuously used worldwide and across the US, including for award-winning school coaching research at Digital Promise. Jason earned a B.A. from Harvard College, a Ph.D. from Syracuse University, and completed postdoctoral positions at UC, Irvine and UC, Berkeley/SRI International.